Club membership is for a jogging year, ending at the Joggers Dinner early Nov.
It's the best value!! $30 for an individual, $60 for a family + $5 per timing tag new. Replacement tags $10.
New Members can download a membership form and bring it to the Hill, or simply come and get one at the Hill. Bring your cash. Be early to get processed. Instant gratification!
Existing or Past Members of Griffith Joggers can login to the website to renew membership / check & edit details / find policies & forms.
Keep your details up-to-date. We use email to let you know what is happening in the club. We use email to request info when things have gone adrift at an event. We need phone contact for the same, and also in case of emergency – yes Joggers sometimes have disasters.
Car rego ... as an extra check in deciding if everyone is accounted for after the race, we have added "car rego" to our info. You can input one or more vehicles.
Mail address |
Event address |
PO Box 2307 Griffith 2680 |
Water Tower on Scenic Hill |
Email us
Current Club Committee
President: Ron Anson
Vice President : Jeremy Woodhouse
Secretary: Tania Moore
Treasurer: John Farranato
Ordinary Members:
Neil Palframan
Connor Moore
Derek Goullet
Allan Jones
David Heffer
Moreno Chiappin
Anthony Salmon
Judith Cimador
Steven Bourke
Keith Riley