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Feral Maps

We plan to bring you maps of every course that we run.  You can use these to find your way around the Hill both on Saturdays and whenever you feel the need to get out of the house and run in the wind

How many pairs of feet run on the hill?  This map by Johanna for 2015.

Competition Courses

Hotfoot        Short&Long          Start/Finish       Arrow to follow

Bacchus      Short    Long      Extended             Arrow to follow

Winter       Short     Long                                 Arrow to follow

Surfer        Short     Long       Extended            Arrow to follow

Arsova       Short&Long          2016 Long Alternate         2016 Short Alternate      Arrow to follow

Holidays (Be Social)   2.4     3.0     3.2    4.1   4.1   4.7    5.1    5.3    5.7    5.9    7.4

Wet/Fire Weather     Mud Map     Wet Weather Extended

Solstice Cup

Various types of runs ... hopefully fun

2012 and others incl 2019, 2020 (damp), 2021, 2022

           Start detail       Overall

2018   Matt goes orienteering.  Find the flags, clip your ticket.  Weather was full-on winter

             Short              Long            Notes

2023   A trip to the bottom end of the hill

2024   Rodeo track, new start line

Shanks' Pony Cup

Which is designed as a curtain raiser for the Melbourne Cup, a fun way to finish the Joggers years, then the Joggers Dinner, then the new running year begins.

1992  The inaugural.  The 2 lap idea was never done again cos too many pikers stopped after one lap!


1994  The first time I am aware that we utilised the tracks around the Lookout and Rodeo


1996  which features a competition track from the old days which is now almost completely overgrown and hard to find


1998  exploring the Wood Rd hill, and even a bit of street running!

2001  including a short course!



2006  The first time I thought it might be fun to get people lost, but surprisingly few did.

          Instructions      Where they should have taken you!

2007  The same course but simply marked out

2008  Wow, a decent looking map at last, technology can be wonderful.  Three new tracks pioneered here - Vanilla Lily, Daisy Detour of Doms, and Kangaroo Track

2010  Heff loved this one - every time it looked like he was headed home, we turned back out again.

2011 Long    2011 Short   Collect as many stars as you can in the time limit

2012 Long    2012 Short   We blazed a trail west of Scenic Drive but never used it again - lots of rarely used tracks here

2013 Long    2013 Short  The most controversial, when too many did not read the "1st lap / 2nd lap" sign.  Also the Joggers first intro to Sadface Hill

2014 Map     2014 Rules  Matt set out an orienteering course and the wind almost blew it away

2015 Long    2015 Short  Something completely different ... "which way" Vernon went a different way.  Boring run for the short cos the committee didn't like plan A

2016 Long    2016 Short  featuring two new tracks blazed by the bikers, and the long single track back between the rock ledges, rated by me as the best track on the Hill ... "Utopia"

2017 Long    2017 Short  following kangaroo tracks by Hermits Cave, a run spanning two bioregions ... so that's why it felt so long!?

2018 Long    2018 Short   "This has gotta be longer than 6km" said a few.  Nope it weren't!  But a new track always seems longer.

2019                              A "worst ever" Shanks' on the wet weather track.

2020 Long   2020 Short    "Horses and Jockeys"

2021 Long   2021 Short   The Magnificent Coin Toss innovation   Instructions

2022                              Draw a Loop from the hat, run it, draw another loop, run it, and once more

                                     Loop1    Loop2   Loop3   Loop4

2023                              Anthony's healthy version of the "horses and jockeys" theme.  Choose and run one 4km course, then choose and run one 3km course, then draw for your horse/jockey partner.  Points are added together to decide the winner

                                     Red 4km      Blue 4km      Pink 3km      Green 3km

Lakesview Classic

This run replaced the Town to Lake.  Held two weeks after the City to Surf.  A run for club members only, over varied and exciting courses (except that one year from Bilbul when Di threatened me against anything like that ... ever again!).

Classic Course 2002 / 2009 / 2012 / 2015 / 2017 / 2019

2002  Long    Short    Profile          Host : Neil & Johanna

2003                                   Host : Tracey & Paul        A day of rain, slush & gloom

2004                                   Host : Neil & Johanna      from Lakesview Citrus shed

2005 Long    2005 Short       Host : Tony & Janelle

2006                                  Host : Glenys                   the big ditch!

2007 Long    2007 Short

2008                                  Host : Ian & Nicole           flat & straight ... the bottom end was nice but


2011                                                                         our only trip to the unexplored Tharbogang Hill

2013 & 2014 Long    Short   Host : Nat Parks                run & camp-out

2016 Long    2016 Short   Recommended Access           the best of country air and scenery

2017 Long   Details of Gun ClubJones Rd / Finish

2018                                                                          see 2011

2019                                                                          see 2017

2020 Long    2020 Short                                             a preview of the new Bacchus comp courses

2021 Long    2021 Short                          when Neil went awol and Anthony stepped up with a Hill course

2022 Long    2022 Short                                              see 2016

2023 Long    2023 Short                                              tour of the western hill