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This week

How it Happened - Arsova Comp race 8, October 19

Following the steward’s inquiry into race 7 the reported winner of last week’s long course run was relegated to 26th while in the short course David Heffer was promoted to 1st place. Stewards found a technical problem with the timing structure rather than a case of race fixing like that of the well-known fine cotton affair.

The 1-2 positions for race 8 were the same as for race 7, Simon Fattore finished five seconds ahead of Gary Andreazza. In 3rd place was Lena Sergi, a significant improvement on last week's run where she was 17th. James Wythes was fourth recording the fastest net time on the day 21m20s. James will be away next week as he will be running the 100km Great Ocean Trail Ultra. He hopes to finish between 12 and 13 hours. Gary Signor in 5th place made the top 10 for the first time in this competition then came Chris Palmer who always finishes in the top ten. Next was Keith Riley then in 8th place came Stewart Wood who previous best was 12th. Mark Hancock joined the top ten for two weeks in a row. By now Sheila Marcus will have touched down in her home city of Dublin. It has been 21 years since she was last in Ireland. She has been training for the Dublin marathon, the training has paid off as she finished 10th.

In the short course Callum Vecchio took line honours. Next was Nate Mingay. Nate with 262 points has already claimed the short course Arsova trophy. He will add that to his season collection of the Solstice Cup, Surfer Competition, Lakes View Classic and who knows he may make it five trophies with Shanks Pony Cup to be run on the 2nd of November. Isaac Fattore was 3rd followed by the first female Milla Vecchio then David Heffer.

Two weeks ago, Jaidyn Roach was one of 8,670 runners in the Melbourne marathon. His net time of 2h55m21s resulted in him finishing 272 overall and 55th/1266 in the 25-29 male division.

The Arsova competition concludes next week with the usual celebrations. That will be followed by the Shanks Pony Cup, the final 2023-2024 season runs.

The Feral’s meet at the water tower mural opposite pioneer park for a 4:30pm start. We would love to welcome newcomers whether they be sprinters, joggers or walkers. We are not a club where you race against others, the challenge is with yourself.


PLEASE BE ON TIME           ENTER BEFORE 5:20               RACE STARTS 5:30


Things to Remember each week

Runners must wear tags when participating in Feral events.  Apart from the timing, it is a saftey measure.   The tags serve to monitor those runners who have commenced their run and are still out on the track.   It is not appropriate to turn up on the Hill on a regular basis without wearing a tag.

Zero start times

Zero handicaps are only for the slowest runners and for the walkers, so if you do not fit this description and you are given zero, please enquire with the race director.  It is not usually our mistake, just that prior circumstances have dictated a zero which may need to be changed back (see below).

Also, if you have a Short course handicap (say 8min) and you want to walk, we prefer if you walk off that handicap (8min) ... you won't finish far behind, and it saves us a lot of time and possible mistakes in adjustments to and fro (see above).

We do allow Long course walkers to start off zero ... just let the race director know ... otherwise it is disq

Did Not Finish?  We need to know. All non-finishers / short cutters / other issues - report to the race director

 Instant Results ... we are putting the results online, at the finish line, so your loved one can know what mood you're in before you get home.  (Will it be a hot bath or a cold shower?  Champagne, or a beer in the dog house?) However ... be aware that these are preliminary results and will almost always change when joggers are added, deleted and edited.  You may drop a few places, rise a few places, or even, heaven forbid, get disq'd.  So if the fine details matter to you, drop back again later.