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Winners List Arsova Long

2024 Simon Fattore
2023 Mark Andreazza
2022 Georgia Grimmond
2021 James Morshead
2020 Britt Mayo
2019 Aidan Fattore
2018 Margaret O'Grady
2017 Gary Andreazza
2016 Brendon Sinclair
2015 Moreno Chiappin
2014 Mirella Granata
2013 Brendon Sinclair
2012 Glenys Curphey
2011 Simon Croce
2010 Anthony Sergi
2009 Mirella Granata
2008 John Johns
2007 David Slattery
2006 Rodney Bortolin
2005 Nicole Forrest
2004 John Dodd
2003 Brian Bellicanta
2002 Rick Young
2001 David Slattery
2000 Dom Calabria
1999 Tony Moers
1998 David Slattery
1997 John Dodd
1996 Simon Croce
1995 Ed Frkovic
1994 Luciano Zanotto
1993 Clay Ridley
1992 Ross Panebianco
1991 Lindsay Flack
1990 Bob Sjollema
1989 Jonathon Barker
1988 Arthur West
1987 Geoff Bortolin
1986 Janet Dunbabin
1985 Ron Burns
1984 Russell Glazebrook
1983 Ray Ceccato
1982 Peter Turnell
1981 Peter Turnell
1980 Murray Bartsch
1979 LeifKamba/BrianDorrell