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2020 Surfer - Race 3

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Long Results

Place Name H'cap Time Gross Time Nett Time Place Points
1 Hayley MCLEOD 7:00 41:15 34:15 40
2 Derek GOULLET 14:45 41:25 26:40 35
3 Hamish GUNN 16:30 41:30 25:00 30
4 Aidan HILL 19:00 41:48 22:48 27
5 Aidan FATTORE 19:00 41:54 22:54 26
6 Sonia CASANOVA 4:45 41:56 37:11 25
7 Karin PENNINGA 10:30 42:01 31:31 24
8 Peter STOCKWELL 14:45 42:06 27:21 23
9 Adrian BAIRD 9:45 42:11 32:26 22
10 Lena SERGI 10:15 42:13 31:58 21
11 Sharon CARERI 12:30 42:14 29:44 20
11 Britt MAYO 3:00 42:14 39:14 20
13 Wendy MINATO 5:15 42:15 37:00 18
14 Sheila MARCUS 9:00 42:16 33:16 17
15 Mia STOCKWELL 13:45 42:27 28:42 16
16 Gary ANDREAZZA 11:15 42:28 31:13 15
17 Mark ANDREAZZA 17:45 42:34 24:49 14
18 John DODD 3:45 42:35 38:50 13
19 Graeme LYONS 13:15 42:43 29:28 12
20 Shaun FLOOD 17:30 42:44 25:14 11
21 Gerry WILCOX 6:00 42:45 36:45 10
22 Teresa BURGESS 11:00 42:46 31:46 9
23 Roy BINKS 12:30 42:50 30:20 8
24 Chris BARBAGALLO 14:30 42:51 28:21 7
25 Eliza STAR 14:45 42:52 28:07 6
26 Gary SIGNOR 9:00 42:54 33:54 5
27 Janet MAZZAROLO 4:15 42:57 38:42 5
28 Rodney SAVAGE 17:00 43:00 26:00 5
29 Lachlan DATE 15:15 43:02 27:47 5
30 Adrian PICCOLI 8:45 43:03 34:18 5
31 Anthony SALMON 11:30 43:04 31:34 5
32 Keith RILEY 7:30 43:06 35:36 5
33 Angus GUNN 14:00 43:12 29:12 5
34 Vince RESTAGNO 13:30 43:14 29:44 5
35 Ron ANSON 10:00 43:33 33:33 5
36 Niva SCREMIN 8:15 43:37 35:22 5
37 Tracey JOSLING 10:15 43:40 33:25 5
37 Steven BOURKE 11:45 43:40 31:55 5
39 Bob BARKER 0:00 43:41 43:41 5
40 Moreno CHIAPPIN 14:30 43:48 29:18 5
41 Jeremy WOODHOUSE 9:15 43:52 34:37 5
42 Matt KENNY 18:00 43:56 25:56 5
43 Dianne KEENAN 8:15 44:00 35:45 5
44 Michael TURNELL 8:45 44:12 35:27 5
45 David HEFFER 10:15 44:33 34:18 5
46 Cesar CABRERA 8:30 44:45 36:15 5
47 John KEENAN 13:15 44:46 31:31 5
48 Paul MUIR 11:30 44:47 33:17 5
49 Lisa CROCE 0:30 44:48 44:18 5
50 Isabella SALMON 12:00 45:06 33:06 5
51 Katja MCDERMOTT 5:30 45:12 39:42 5
52 Jeanette CODOGNOTTO 8:00 45:17 37:17 5
53 Elio MINATO 2:30 45:28 42:58 5
54 John FARRONATO 11:00 46:00 35:00 5
55 Tom MACKERRAS 4:30 46:09 41:39 5
56 Lauren CARNELL 3:45 46:13 42:28 5
57 Simon CROCE 2:30 46:48 44:18 5
58 Suzanne BIONDO 4:15 46:59 42:44 5
59 Allan JONES 12:45 47:45 35:00 5
60 Brendon SINCLAIR 13:45 48:17 34:32 5
61 Janelle TOOLE 2:30 49:48 47:18 5
62 Anna GESUALE 6:15 53:33 47:18 5
63 Simon TAYLOR 2:00 54:06 52:06 5
64 Gary WORKMAN 8:30 55:30 47:00 5
65 Louanne BORTOLIN 0:00 58:12 58:12 5
66 Stewart WOOD 10:15 59:20 49:05 5
67 Tara GUNN 2:45 1:02:14 59:29 5
68 Alana ROSSITER 0:30 1:03:06 1:02:36 5
69 Neil PALFRAMAN 0:00 1:12:19 1:12:19 5
70 Lyn POTTER 0:00 1:14:00 1:14:00 5
70 Judith CIMADOR 0:00 1:14:00 1:14:00 5
72 Carmel BODGER 0:00 1:16:00 1:16:00 5
73 Donna JACKSON 0:30 1:16:30 1:16:00 5

Fastest ferals


25 Eliza STAR 14:45 42:52 28:07 6
15 Mia STOCKWELL 13:45 42:27 28:42 16
11 Sharon CARERI 12:30 42:14 29:44 20


4 Aidan HILL 19:00 41:48 22:48 27
5 Aidan FATTORE 19:00 41:54 22:54 26
17 Mark ANDREAZZA 17:45 42:34 24:49 14

Short Results

Place Name H'cap Time Gross Time Nett Time Place Points
1 Chloe MORSHEAD 5:00 25:34 20:34 40
2 James MORSHEAD 8:00 25:38 17:38 35
3 Angus MUNRO 6:00 25:55 19:55 30
4 Cooper SAVAGE 9:45 25:58 16:13 27
5 Maree LICASTRO 5:00 26:04 21:04 26
6 Adrian SERAFIN 7:45 26:19 18:34 25
7 Louise GUNN 8:30 26:20 17:50 24
8 Angelo LICASTRO 5:45 26:26 20:41 23
9 Renae SAVAGE 6:45 26:33 19:48 22
10 Harry MORSHEAD 9:00 26:47 17:47 21
10 Ella SAVAGE 10:15 26:47 16:32 21
12 Ruby KENNY 5:00 26:55 21:55 19
13 Bede KENNY 5:15 27:10 21:55 18
14 Nate MINGAY 12:15 27:21 15:06 17
15 Kate MORSHEAD 7:45 28:21 20:36 16
16 Stephen MUNRO 7:45 28:29 20:44 15
17 Jai KENNY 11:45 28:30 16:45 14
18 Maggie CROCE 5:00 29:10 24:10 13
19 Michelle SIGNOR 0:00 31:20 31:20 12
20 Ryan TAYLOR 0:00 45:50 45:50 11
21 Adam TAYLOR 0:00 46:08 46:08 10

Fastest ferals


10 Ella SAVAGE 10:15 26:47 16:32 21
7 Louise GUNN 8:30 26:20 17:50 24
9 Renae SAVAGE 6:45 26:33 19:48 22


14 Nate MINGAY 12:15 27:21 15:06 17
4 Cooper SAVAGE 9:45 25:58 16:13 27
17 Jai KENNY 11:45 28:30 16:45 14