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Wardle Waddle Competition

The Wardle Waddle is the cumulative kilometres run in a Jogging Year.  Tallying started in 1994 and immortalises Feral Gary who simply loved running.  The perpetual trophy goes to the highest total each year - kilometres for adults and number of runs for juniors.  Each runner must complete 20km in a year to be included, so runners may take a few weeks to show up here.  Runners become golden when they reach 3000 km.   See who's there already.

New : Wardle Waddle archive from 1994 to 2014

2022 Wardle Waddle distance | race count | archive | all time | all time bubble

Feral Total all years Hotfoot BeSocial Bacchus 3C Tech Shop Winter Solstice Cup Surfer Lakesview Classic Arsova Shanks' Pony Cup This year
Ellie Quinn 20.5 6.2 9.3 5.0 20.5
Cooper Savage 779.8 9.2 6.2 6.2 21.6
Maria Zanotto 21.6 6.2 3.0 12.4 21.6
Darren Pooley 951.8 4.7 11.6 5.4 21.7
Guy Orton 21.7 12.2 4.1 5.4 21.7
Meg Signor 886.4 4.1 10.0 6.1 6.0 26.2
Stephen Munro 278.9 12.2 14.1 26.3
Simon Taylor 260.9 8.9 8.0 3.3 6.6 26.8
Ryan Taylor 184.3 8.9 8.0 3.3 6.6 26.8
Gary Workman 1,724.6 13.2 14.1 27.3
Javier Agostino 27.7 13.6 14.1 27.7
Katherine Zahra 157.1 3.1 6.0 3.1 9.9 6.0 28.1
Amanda Nietvelt 30.4 15.5 5.0 3.3 6.6 30.4
Andrea Cromack 419.3 5.8 6.1 12.0 7.0 30.9
Giulia Zanotto 30.9 6.2 9.0 12.4 3.3 30.9
Peter Stinson 1,616.6 13.0 3.3 12.0 3.5 31.8
Natalie Schmitzer 218.6 6.1 11.6 6.1 3.0 5.4 32.2
Ella Savage 856.8 3.1 6.2 9.9 9.9 3.3 32.4
Chris Fuchs 106.7 12.2 11.6 10.0 33.8
Adrian Serafin 304.1 21.8 6.2 6.1 34.1
Neil Palframan 2,638.0 3.1 3.1 16.0 13.2 35.4
Elise Munro 65.6 12.4 9.9 6.6 3.0 3.3 3.5 38.7
Isaac Fattore 42.4 3.1 3.1 13.2 3.3 3.0 9.9 3.5 39.1
Reuben Fattore 42.4 3.1 3.1 13.2 3.3 3.0 9.9 3.5 39.1
Lee-Anne McKinnon 39.8 8.7 6.1 7.6 12.0 5.4 39.8
Carmel Bodger 654.4 6.3 3.1 8.0 6.6 6.0 3.3 3.3 3.5 40.1
Anne Bortolin 362.1 6.2 9.9 6.0 13.2 6.6 41.9
Sharon Gavin 108.2 3.1 13.2 6.0 16.5 3.3 42.1
David Alpen 1,789.1 6.1 26.1 10.0 42.2
Matthew Pasin 42.9 24.7 12.2 6.0 42.9
Ruby Kenny 258.1 9.4 3.0 3.1 5.0 9.9 6.0 6.6 43.0
Thomas Callcut 45.6 6.6 6.0 23.1 9.9 45.6
Eliza Star 430.9 12.5 5.3 5.8 10.0 6.1 7.6 47.3
Lynnette Kenny 486.0 12.4 3.0 3.1 16.5 6.0 6.6 47.6
Daisy Croce 500.9 11.8 5.0 9.4 15.2 3.0 3.5 47.9
Kim Callcut 253.3 6.6 6.0 26.4 9.9 48.9
Gavin Callcut 248.1 3.3 6.0 23.1 19.8 52.2
Tara Gunn 1,354.8 21.7 6.0 6.2 9.9 6.0 3.3 53.1
Margaret O'Grady 2,720.6 6.1 14.4 12.0 9.9 3.3 6.6 3.5 55.8
Nichole Clarke 56.5 12.2 15.5 10.0 18.8 56.5
Alana Rossiter 406.5 9.3 3.0 6.2 13.2 6.0 13.2 3.0 3.3 57.2
Niva Scremin 411.6 18.6 5.3 17.8 15.5 57.2
Warwick Date 109.7 12.5 3.0 6.2 8.0 6.6 6.0 6.6 15.3 64.2
Harry Morshead 711.9 30.5 8.3 3.1 5.0 6.1 3.3 8.7 65.0
Renae Savage 1,501.9 9.2 9.2 12.4 13.2 6.0 9.9 6.6 66.5
Savannah Vecchio 620.8 12.5 12.2 12.4 3.3 13.2 3.0 9.9 66.5
Lorraine Maxwell 858.2 15.6 11.3 12.4 8.0 13.2 6.6 67.1
Paul Muir 4,353.2 18.3 5.1 12.4 5.0 13.2 3.3 9.9 67.2
Malcolm Blake 68.8 18.3 6.0 21.3 16.2 7.0 68.8
Nate Mingay 466.9 6.2 5.0 23.1 6.0 16.5 13.2 70.0
Elizabeth Barker 175.4 24.4 20.5 10.0 15.5 70.4
Milla Vecchio 664.7 6.3 9.2 18.6 5.0 9.9 6.6 16.5 72.1
Connor Moore 239.6 16.5 6.0 19.8 3.0 26.4 3.5 75.2
Jai Kenny 381.4 12.2 4.7 11.8 10.0 21.6 6.0 9.3 75.6
Lynsey Pasin 112.3 12.5 6.2 15.5 5.0 6.6 6.0 13.2 10.8 75.8
Isabella Salmon 1,311.3 15.4 6.0 15.5 5.0 22.6 6.6 5.4 76.5
Lena Sergi 3,497.1 24.7 5.8 10.0 6.1 6.0 13.6 12.0 78.2
Michael Johns 1,276.6 5.1 14.5 10.0 6.1 21.2 12.0 10.8 79.7
Chloe Morshead 540.2 15.5 8.3 12.4 5.0 13.2 6.0 9.9 3.0 6.6 79.9
Jessica Dalton 81.1 23.1 6.0 19.6 32.4 81.1
Chris Morshead 205.3 15.3 8.3 15.5 10.0 12.2 6.0 12.6 6.6 86.5
Vicki Romeo 581.3 3.1 12.2 18.6 19.8 16.5 13.2 3.5 86.9
Lauren Carnell 489.1 48.8 6.0 6.0 27.0 87.8
Carolyn Connell 88.7 18.3 12.2 32.1 6.1 16.5 3.5 88.7
Julie Duncan 932.5 30.8 12.8 20.3 10.0 18.3 92.2
Ivan Gesuale 1,532.5 3.1 9.0 18.6 13.2 6.0 23.1 16.5 3.5 93.0
Anna Gesuale 2,291.8 12.5 9.0 21.7 6.6 6.0 15.9 18.6 3.5 93.8
Tiane Burwood 97.7 6.2 3.0 18.6 8.0 15.5 20.2 3.0 16.2 7.0 97.7
Callum Vecchio 497.9 12.5 9.2 21.7 5.0 9.9 19.8 3.0 13.2 3.5 97.8
Matt Kenny 632.5 12.2 4.7 29.0 24.9 6.0 21.3 98.1
Kate Morshead 769.1 15.5 8.3 12.4 10.0 13.2 6.0 13.2 3.0 16.5 98.1
Maggie Croce 789.1 6.3 6.0 12.0 5.0 31.0 6.0 28.8 3.3 3.5 101.9
James Morshead 730.3 30.5 8.3 12.4 5.0 13.2 6.0 9.9 18.6 103.9
Judith Cimador 2,550.7 6.2 20.3 21.7 8.0 13.2 6.0 19.8 12.0 107.2
Tracy Vecchio 992.2 12.5 12.2 21.7 5.0 13.2 19.8 3.0 16.5 3.5 107.4
Sharon Careri 2,182.0 6.1 36.6 37.6 12.0 16.2 108.5
Ema Munro 203.0 9.2 24.8 23.1 6.0 23.1 3.0 16.5 3.5 109.2
Janelle Toole 1,434.7 18.8 9.2 27.9 6.6 6.0 19.2 18.6 3.5 109.8
Tony Gullo 1,480.3 33.8 60.4 20.7 114.9
Peggy Carpenter 191.4 6.2 12.2 21.7 26.4 6.0 19.8 26.4 118.7
Donna Jackson 1,514.1 9.3 15.0 24.8 8.0 13.2 6.0 19.8 23.1 119.2
Chris Barbagallo 758.6 12.2 3.1 5.0 18.3 6.0 60.4 16.2 121.2
Juliana Provera 1,641.4 9.3 9.2 24.8 16.5 6.0 29.7 3.0 19.8 3.5 121.8
Michelle Signor 1,731.7 21.7 6.2 24.4 8.0 19.8 6.0 16.5 3.0 16.5 122.1
Graeme Lyons 3,490.3 18.3 4.0 14.5 8.0 9.4 6.0 39.2 21.6 7.0 128.0
Wendy Minato 3,372.8 3.2 4.0 32.3 31.0 6.0 38.1 6.6 7.0 128.2
Rodney Savage 3,336.6 15.4 6.0 15.5 6.0 34.8 12.0 32.4 7.0 129.1
Brian Bellicanta 5,674.8 3.1 23.2 14.7 5.0 34.3 27.9 3.0 15.3 7.0 133.5
Bob Barker 5,627.8 18.6 9.2 27.5 5.0 16.5 6.0 29.1 3.0 19.8 3.5 138.2
Val Centofanti 1,800.9 18.5 17.1 24.8 8.0 23.1 6.0 19.8 21.9 139.2
Dianne Keenan 3,827.1 18.6 8.1 18.0 10.0 24.4 6.0 38.1 16.2 139.4
Simon Fattore 3,205.5 18.4 19.2 35.0 10.0 19.3 6.0 18.6 3.0 15.3 3.5 148.3
Richard West 2,667.9 24.4 21.5 26.3 21.6 6.0 25.6 16.2 7.0 148.6
Mia Stockwell 1,261.7 18.6 13.5 31.9 6.0 33.2 12.0 27.0 7.0 149.2
Anthony Trefilo 2,278.0 63.8 9.9 48.5 12.0 9.9 7.0 151.1
Elio Minato 3,006.0 21.8 4.1 32.5 5.0 36.6 6.0 15.9 23.1 7.0 152.0
Michael Colaciuri 1,029.2 18.3 5.3 20.3 10.0 42.7 6.0 25.6 12.0 5.4 7.0 152.6
Sheila Marcus 2,616.9 12.4 9.1 55.1 30.5 6.0 12.0 30.3 155.4
Lyn Potter 2,904.3 24.8 23.3 27.9 5.0 16.5 6.0 26.4 23.1 3.5 156.5
Bronwyn Jones 2,055.6 15.3 17.9 37.7 10.0 33.8 6.0 10.9 21.6 7.0 160.2
Lachlan Date 550.2 12.5 8.1 46.4 10.0 15.5 6.0 27.8 27.0 7.0 160.3
Georgia Grimmond 215.2 18.3 8.7 43.5 24.4 6.0 16.9 37.8 7.0 162.6
Digby Jones 674.9 6.4 8.8 23.2 10.0 48.8 6.0 21.2 37.8 7.0 169.2
Mark Andreazza 1,280.0 18.6 10.0 37.7 10.0 24.4 27.2 12.0 32.4 172.3
Tony Rokov 2,376.7 30.8 23.2 34.8 10.0 24.4 13.6 37.8 174.6
Jeremy Woodhouse 2,183.1 30.8 33.3 30.5 6.0 35.1 32.4 7.0 175.1
Brendon Sinclair 2,541.9 24.7 14.1 46.6 30.5 6.0 28.8 24.9 175.6
Nicole Dehnert 3,323.4 24.7 11.8 43.7 30.5 39.2 26.1 176.0
Rita Fascianelli-McIver 2,869.1 27.8 10.4 26.7 8.0 33.8 6.0 40.8 27.0 180.5
David Heffer 6,637.5 24.4 19.2 34.8 10.0 30.5 34.8 32.4 186.1
Tracey Josling 5,046.9 30.8 8.1 40.6 10.0 36.6 52.8 10.8 189.7
Mark Hancock 2,806.0 24.4 18.1 46.6 10.0 30.5 6.0 21.2 12.0 21.6 190.4
Ashley Pianca 499.1 21.8 9.2 21.7 37.1 6.0 60.4 32.4 7.0 195.6
Gary Signor 4,241.4 27.8 9.2 52.2 10.0 22.1 6.0 38.1 3.0 21.6 7.0 197.0
Allan Jones 2,457.6 24.7 5.1 37.7 10.0 48.8 6.0 21.2 37.8 7.0 198.3
John Keenan 2,697.0 30.8 8.1 26.1 10.0 30.5 6.0 40.8 12.0 27.0 7.0 198.3
Tania Moore 464.0 36.9 8.7 37.9 36.6 6.0 28.9 3.0 43.2 7.0 208.2
Stewart Wood 5,646.9 30.5 12.8 43.5 10.0 36.6 6.0 40.8 21.6 7.0 208.8
Gary Andreazza 1,491.5 30.8 17.9 46.4 10.0 36.6 31.6 43.2 216.5
Simon Croce 7,036.5 24.6 18.5 52.2 10.0 33.8 6.0 34.8 3.0 32.4 7.0 222.3
Anthony Salmon 3,084.9 36.9 17.9 49.7 10.0 39.9 6.0 30.5 32.4 223.3
Vince Restagno 5,941.3 40.0 18.1 55.3 28.2 42.4 12.0 22.8 7.0 225.8
Ron Anson 5,079.4 30.6 18.8 55.5 10.0 33.8 6.0 36.5 32.4 3.5 227.1
Peter Stockwell 2,979.8 24.7 13.5 43.5 10.0 36.6 6.0 39.2 12.0 37.8 7.0 230.3
Lisa Croce 1,286.9 24.6 18.5 58.0 10.0 37.1 6.0 34.8 3.0 32.4 7.0 231.4
Keith Riley 3,009.8 24.4 23.2 46.4 10.0 42.7 42.5 3.0 32.4 7.0 231.6
Aidan Fattore 2,025.3 43.0 14.4 34.8 10.0 42.7 6.0 34.8 12.0 27.0 7.0 231.7
Steven Bourke 1,590.5 18.6 23.2 37.9 10.0 42.7 6.0 45.2 12.0 35.7 7.0 238.3
Derek Goullet 2,062.1 30.8 19.2 52.4 10.0 42.7 6.0 38.1 32.4 7.0 238.6
Tom Mackerras 2,022.6 33.9 18.1 43.9 10.0 36.6 6.0 44.1 12.0 27.0 7.0 238.6
John Johns 6,992.6 36.9 22.6 61.1 10.0 18.3 6.0 54.4 12.0 27.0 7.0 255.3
John Dodd 7,898.1 36.9 22.2 61.1 10.0 18.8 6.0 48.4 3.0 43.2 7.0 256.6
Roy Binks 2,901.5 30.8 17.9 43.5 10.0 42.7 6.0 60.4 12.0 32.4 7.0 262.7
Moreno Chiappin 2,246.9 36.9 27.3 72.5 10.0 36.6 6.0 54.4 16.2 7.0 266.9
Adrian Baird 2,233.2 43.0 27.3 49.3 10.0 48.8 60.4 12.0 37.8 288.6
John Farronato 2,265.0 43.0 27.3 72.5 10.0 48.8 6.0 51.7 12.0 32.4 7.0 310.7